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Books | Ensemble 2e2m

Enno Poppe

On spectral future, the outer-sound

Du devenir spectral, l'outre-son


Auteurs / Authors

Omer Corlaix

Guy Lelong

Michèle Tosi

Martin Kaltenecker

Corinne Schneider


Publication bilingue français-anglais / Bilingual publication French-English

“I wish to write a music which does not exist.” Enno Poppe, a German composer who was born in 1969, takes the motifs and he slackens them, splits them up, stretches them and smashes them to bits, though when he devotes himself to the sound, it is with the critical impartiality of a scientific observer. With him, matter smoulders, grows and proliferates like a lively and dynamic culture.




Pages / 108'

Parution / 2009

Editor / 2e2m-Coll. À la ligne

Ref. / ISBN 978-2-913734-04-3

Price / 10.00 €

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