Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

The cycle of Regnums by Mauro Lanza (1975) and Andrea Valle concludes with the world premiere of Regnum lapideum, the mineral kingdom, the last category of the trinity of Nature according to the classification of the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778). Three kingdoms in Nature: two living, one inorganic.

Facing this static world, the German Martin Grütter (1983) and the Frenchman Frédéric Verrières (1968) introduce movement. The former dynamites the tradition of dance music and its truisms by pulling it towards St Vitus's dance, a pathological de-synchronisation of the human body. The latter stages La Valse, a danced black whirl of the imperial court, in an in situ rewriting of the Ravelian universe.


Duration / 1 h 00

Production 2e2m / Coproduction La Muse en Circuit, Centre national de création musicale. 

With the support of Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris and SPEDIDAM


Concert recorded by France Musique


Mauro Lanza / Andrea Valle

Regnum lapideum

world premiere
ensemble & electromechanical objects

Martin Grütter


french premiere
canned performer & ensemble

Frédéric Verrières

Une cour impériale vers 1855...

création française de la nouvelle version

Pierre Roullier conductor

La Muse en Circuit computer technology


Friday 29 april 2016 / Paris / 20 h 00

CRR de Paris • Auditorium Marcel Landowski

14 rue de Madrid

75008 Paris

M3 Europe


19:00 avant-concert


Free entrance

Booking +33 1 47 06 17 76

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