Often acclaimed as one of the most accomplished French sopranos of the moment, praised for her "gloriously smooth, rich textured soprano" (The international Record Review), Chantal Santon-Jeffery has embodied numerous roles in the opera, from Mozart (Donna Anna, Fiordiligi, the Countess, Sandrina) to the contemporary repertoire (an unanimous press praised her Lolo Ferrari in the opera of the same name) including Wagner (Senta in der Fliegende Holländer), Britten (Governess in The turn of the screw), Campra (Tancrède), Gassman (Opera Seria) or Purcell (King Arthur, Dido and Aeneas). She has been invited to sing along prestigious orchestras as Le Concert Spirituel, Les Talens Lyriques, Le Cercle de l’Harmonie, Les Siècles, Opera Fuoco, the Brussels Philarmonic, the Hong Kong Philarmonic. She has recently performed in Théâtre des Champs-Elysées and Salle Pleyel in Paris, in the Royal Opera in Versailles, Avignon Opera, Liège Opera, Bozar in Brussels, Konzerthaus in Vienna etc. Fascinated by the revival of the classic and romantic French repertoire, she has participated in numerous concerts and recordings supported by the Fondation Bru Zane.

She has recently sung two significant roles: Armida in the eponymous Haydn opera conducted by Julien Chauvin and directed by Mariame Clément; Altisidore in Don Quichotte chez la Duchesse of Boismortier, conducted by Hervé Niquet and directed by Gilles and Corinne Benizio. Further projects include productions at the Festival de Saint-Denis, Montpellier Opera, the Palace of Arts in Budapest, Konzerthaus in Vienna, Théâtre des Champs Elysées, Teatro la Fenice, Versailles Opera, Bordeaux Opera, Rennes Opera, Nantes Opera, Ambronay Festival, Arsenal de Metz.

Among her many recordings: King Arthur by Purcell (le Concert Spirituel, DVD), Frédégonde by d’Ollone and la Messe pontificale by Dubois (with the Brussel Philarmonic), Renaud by Sacchini (les Talens Lyriques), Velléda by Dukas (les Siècles, François Xavier Roth), les Bayadères by Catel (Musica Florea), Les Mystères d’Isis by Mozart Lachnitz and Les fêtes de l’Hymen de Rameau (le Concert Spirituel), La Vénitienne de Dauvergne and Le Temple de la Gloire by Rameau (les Agrémens),Tancrède by Campra. Her first recital recording comprised of arias by Purcell and Charpentier was recently published by label AgOgique


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