Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Festival Internacional Cervantino / México

Mauricio Kagel (1931-2008), a composer with a roving ear and unrelenting tragicomic irony, takes us to an unlikely place where a juggling clown starts an investigation that is both zany and chaotic. Comedy and burlesque dramaturgy are featured in the bonsai opera cooked up by Frenchman Pierre Senges (1968) to music by Italian composer Francesco Filidei (1973). Humor is clearly a very serious thing!


Duration / 1 h 05

Coproduction 2e2m, Cie Pré-o-coupé, Festival Internacional Cervantino. With support from the Institut français d’Amérique latine au Mexique (French Institute in Mexico) and SPEDIDAM. Part of Bien Entendu ! Un mois pour la création musicale / Futurs Composés, national network for new music. 

Mauricio Kagel


clown/juggler & ensemble

Francesco Filidei

L’Opera (forse)

reader & 6 musicians

NIKOLAUS clown/juggler

Tito Rivas reader

Pierre Roullier conductor

Christian Lucas stage direction

Hervé Gary lights


Sunday 15 october 2017 / Guanajuato / 17 h 00

Auditorio de Minas


------- Guanajuato

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