Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Aurélien Dumont, 2018 composer in residence

Helping creators and researchers to work and invent together and to explore common ground is the purpose of the SACRe doctorate (Sciences, Art, Creation, Research) at Paris Sciences & Lettres, bringing together artists, creators and scientists. This openness to interaction is intrinsic to the creative approach of Aurélien Dumont, one of the first PhDs in this innovative program, whose music explores the concept of alterity* as a possible way of grasping the complexity of the modern world. The exchange will provide a chance to outline the aesthetic foundations of his constantly inventive music.

* French philosopher François Jullien (1951)

Duration / 1 h 30

Coproduction 2e2m, SACRe (Science, Arts, Creation, Research) / PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) Research University Paris / Foundation for Scientific Cooperation.


Musical interlude

Aurélien Dumont


baroque violin, harp, harpsichord

-- Moderators

Jean-Loup Rivière et Emmanuel Mahé directors - SACRe / the Laboratory


Jennifer Douzenel video artist

Dorian Astor philosopher

David Christoffel poet

Pierre Rigaudière lecturer, musicologist, music critic


Trio Dauphine


Tuesday 9 january 2018 / Paris / 18 h 30

École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD)

31 rue d’Ulm

75005 Paris

Subway 7 Place Monge / 10 Cardinal-Lemoine / RER B Luxembourg

Free admission

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    Festival Ensemble(s) • opening night


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    Festival Ensemble(s) • Trajectoire(s)


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    COUR & JARDIN • Trio 2E


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