La Muse en Circuit, national centre of musical creation, founded in 1982 around Luc Ferrari, has been managed by David Jesse since 1999. This place serves technology bound contemporary music (electroacoustic, mix and instrumental musics). It hosts composers, performers as well as artists from various disciplines (drama, dance, visual arts) whose preoccupations meet music.

La Muse en Circuit takes part in the spreading of contemporary musical forms through a programme that includes productions and coproductions as well as an annual festival, La Muse en Festival – Extension of the field of note.

Teaching is also central to La Muse en Circuit which proposes actions in collaboration with the French Ministry of Education, for the specialized as well as larger public..

Research is also part of its mission, oriented towards gestural captation.


La Muse en Circuit also actively takes part in the Futurs Composés network.

La Muse en Circuit is supported by Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, the DRAC Ile-de-France, the Conseil Régional d'Ile-de-France, the Conseil Général du Val-de-Marne, the Ville d'Alfortville, the Rectorat de Créteil. It is also backed by Ville de Paris, SACEM, SPEDIDAM, ADAMI, FCM, the Fondation de France and Adiam 94.



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