Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Festival Internacional Cervantino / México

In Tum/Tambor, Mexican composer Antonio Juan-Marcos (1979) and American video artist Ian Winters reveal the sensory world of Juan Rulfo (1917-1986), an icon of South American literature. In Sérieux gravats, Frenchman Aurélien Dumont (1980) starts a journey through time with little musical micro-narrative elements that play on the memory and reality of Japan inspired by multiple sacred forces. In Petit traité d’amour et de géométrie, French composer Fabien Lévy (1968) goes from the ornamental geometric figures of Arabian architecture to meditative monody. 

Duration / 1 h 00

Coproduction 2e2m, Festival Internacional Cervantino. With support from the Institut français d’Amérique latine au Mexique (French Institute in Mexico) and SPEDIDAM. Part of Bien Entendu ! Un mois pour la création musicale / Futurs Composés, national network for new music. 

Fabien Lévy

Risâla fî-l-hob wa fî’lm al-handasa


Aurélien Dumont

Sérieux gravats - Nara II


Antonio Juan-Marcos

Tum ⁄ Tambor

world premiere
contra tenor, ensemble, electroacoustic device & video

Guilhem Terrail countertenor

Pierre Roullier conductor

Ian Winters video


Saturday 14 october 2017 / Guanajuato / 18 h 00

Teatro Principal


------- Guanajuato


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