Peter Pan • Sortie de résidence

Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Ensemble 2e2m and the theatre company Le Boucan are teaming up to present a new version of Peter Pan, a 50-60 minute show for all audiences aged 7-8 and upwards.
Peter Pan, an iconic figure known to all, is revisited in this project through a new composition by pianist/composer Antoine Arnera and a narration by author Pauline Haudepin. This original music, blending modern sounds with sophisticated rock accents, underlines the very special destiny of Peter Pan and the characters who accompany him, questioning the place of each individual.
This group is a community in search of imagination and new ways of living, like a mirror of the world in which we live. In particular, the original writing allows us to rethink the place and role of female figures from a more contemporary angle, going beyond stereotypes and giving them their rightful place in the community. Another central issue is the passage from childhood to adulthood, with the protagonists refusing to grow up and stubbornly remaining "on the outside". A "chorus of lost children" will appear several times in the show. Upstream work will be carried out with young people aged 9 to 12 in the region (schools, associations).

Coproduction 2e2m / Cie Le Boucan, with the support of Spedidam and MMC. The mission of the Maison de la Musique Contemporaine (MMC) is to showcase and promote contemporary music, provide support for professionals and promote and educate the public.
Cette saison, 2e2m bénéficie du soutien de la Fondation Ernst von Siemens.


Duration / 1 h 00

Cette saison, 2e2m bénéficie du soutien de la Fondation Ernst von Siemens.

Antoine Arnera

Création mondiale • commande de 2e2m

Comedian, clarinet, keyboard, percussion, violin, viola, cimbalom, children's choir from the Survilliers music academy

Pauline Haudepin, book

Alex Crestey, stage direction

Eloïse Simonis, costume designer

Valentin Paul, lighting design

Paul Alkhallaf, sound director


Léo Margue, conductor


Antoine Arnera, keyboard

Véronique Fèvre, clarinet

François Vallet-Tessier, percussion

Lucie Leker, violin

Claire Merlet, viola

Johan Boutin, comedian

Mihai Trestian, cimbalom


chœur d’enfants des écoles de musique de Survilliers et de Fosses, Lost children's choir


Friday 3 may 2024 / Fosses / 19 h 30

Espace Germinal

2 Avenue du Mesnil

95470 Fosses

Free admission

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