Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Being a leader to the point of losing his feathers


Le Tribun (1979) is one of the masterpieces of the Argentinian composer Mauricio Kagel (1931-2008), one of the creators of Hörspiel, a form mixing radio theatre and musical theatre. Here, he stages a political autocrat tripping up in his speech, against a background of bombastic military marches and obligatory cheers. Finally, a veritable fanfare for this despot was necessary so that he might fully express his bloated power!


Duration / 1 h 00

With the support of ADIAM 94 and SPEDIDAM, in partnership with the Music Federation of Val-de-Marne

Mauricio Kagel

Le Tribun


Bernard Bloch actor

Jean-Baptiste Mathieu video

Jean Lacornerie direction


Ensemble 2e2m (Pierre Roullier, artistic & musical direction)

Ensemble harmonique de Rungis (Marie Faucquer, conductor)


Saturday 14 may 2016 / Rungis / 20 h 30

L’Arc-en-Ciel, Théâtre de Rungis

1 place du Général de Gaulle 

94150 Rungis

M7 Villejuif-Louis Aragon, then T7 Saarinen 

Booking +33 1 45 60 79 05

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