MATER NATURA, from France to latin America

Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

To mark the bicentenary of Peru's independence, and as part of his artistic residency with the National Symphony Orchestra of Peru and in partnership with ensemble 2e2m, Peruvian composer Juan Arroyo is proposing the composition of an orchestral fresco entitled Mater Natura.

This new symphonic work is a Concerto for ensemble, orchestra and electronics, lasting around 20 minutes. It will be premiered in Lima during the Experimenta festival by the National Symphony Orchestra of Peru and the musicians of the 2e2m ensemble, and in Ile de France by the 2e2m ensemble and the orchestra of the Pôle supérieur d'enseignement artistique Paris/Boulogne-Billancourt et du Pôle Sup'93, under the direction of the French conductor Léo Margue.
Composed of four offerings, each associated with a solo instrument, Mater Natura is part of Juan Arroyo's ongoing exploration of sound hybridisation. Each soloist brings a different colour to the orchestra.

Duration / 1 h 00


Produced by 2e2m in partnership with the Pôle supérieur d'enseignement artistique Paris/Boulogne-Billancourt (PSPBB), Pôle Sup'93 and la Muse en Circuit.
With the support of the Institut Français, Spedidam, Sacem and MMC. The mission of the Maison de la Musique Contemporaine (MMC) is to showcase and promote contemporary music, provide support for professionals and promote and educate the public.
This season 2e2m is supported by the Ernst von Siemens Foundation.

Juan Arroyo

Mater Natura • world premiere

Commissioned by 2e2m
For 4 soloists, orchestra and electronics

Heitor Villa-Lobos

Concerto for guitar and orchestra

flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trombone and strings

Maurice Ravel

Trois poèmes de Mallarmé

Soprano, 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 violins, piano and string quartet

Gabriela Ortiz

La calaca

for string orchestra

Léo Margue, conductor


Violette Clapeyron*, soprano

Camille Bonnot*, Vincent Brecheteau*, Adèle Bellamy-Lemarchant*, Siméon Bayle*, solo guitarists


Jean-Philippe Grometto, flute

Pierre-Stéphane Meugé, saxophone

Véronique Briel, piano

François Vallet-Tessier, percussion

Dorothée Nodé-Langlois, violin

Paul Manfrin, trombone

Yannick Mariller, bassoon


*Avec les étudiant.e.s du Pôle Supérieur 93

et du pôle Supérieur d'enseignement artistique Paris/Boulogne-Billancourt


Monday 17 june 2024 / Aubervilliers / 20 h 00

CRR 93

Conservatoire à rayonnement régional Aubervilliers-La Courneuve

5 rue Edouard Poisson

93300 Aubervilliers




Tuesday 18 june 2024 / Champigny-sur-Marne / 20 h 00

Conservatoire Olivier-Messiaen

4 rue Proudhon

94500 Champigny-sur-Marne

RER E Les Boullereaux / Champigny



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